setelah ngobrol sama mas @Pujiayanto dchat ttg hedonis. q jd mikir. apa iya, masyarakat dsni berpandangan hedonis?? emang sih anak muda dsini kebnyakan hanya hura2, seneng2 aja. agak susah kl diajak untuk sedikit mikir atau serius dikit. teramat sangat jauh memang kl apa yg jadi keinginan kami berdua ini (me&mz yanto)akan bisa terwujud jika sebagan besar masyarakat Bandungan adalah Hedonisme.
seperti artikel berikut ini klik dsini perlu perjuangan yg keras agar bisa membangun kesadaran diri mereka untuk bersikap, bertindak dan berperilaku yang lebih bermanfaat bagi sesama dan lingkungannya.
yah, semoga daerah Bandungan ini tidak hanya menjadi tempat yg memanjakan saja bagi para hedonis, tetapi menjadi tempat yang juga dikenal sebagai tempat diskusi, tempat berbagi ilmu, tempat pengembangan potensi dsb. Ya Allah, dengarkanlah impian kecil hamba-hambaMU ini. amin
Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010
Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010
one of my fav Japanese drama

Kyoko, adalah seorang wanita muda dengan semangat tanpa hambatan meskipun secara fisik terikat dengan kursi roda karena sakit, dan Shuji, adalah seorang penata rambut fashion sebuah majalah gaya dan populer. mereka bertemu dalam suatu insiden lalu lintas yang membuat mereka bersitegang. Meskipun pertemuan konfrontatif tersebut, tanpa disadari masing-masing dari mereka segera menemukan bahwa mereka jatuh cinta. Shuji tertarik pada keberanian dan semangat dan Kyoko serta tertarik dengan kemampuannya dan tanpa melihat keterbatasan fisik luar melainkan ke dalam hatinya. Namun, perlindungan yang sangat berlebihan dari kakak Kyoko serta memburuknya kondisi Kyoko mulai menguji batas-batas cinta mereka satu sama lain dan mengancam untuk mengakhiri hidup yang indah mereka bersama.
well, it's a romance isn't it?
yah..begitu kuat sebuah kisah hingga mampu membawa penikmatnya larut mengikuti emosi, dan alur yg disuguhkan. sebenarnya drama Jepang ini sempat ditayangkan di Indosiar tp sayangnya jam penayangannya terlalu larut saat itu. sedangkan q pagi hari harus sekolah (oya, q ingat, waktu itu q masih smu. klo ga salah sih!!). alhasil q tidak bisa melihat tayangannya hingga acara selesai. hanya sampai setengah episode saja... so,q tertarik untuk mencarinya lagi. dengan niatan selain pengen tahu endingnya jg pengen lebih puas menontonnya (kl di tv kan ada iklan segala, blm lg pasti ada adegan2 yg dipotong:")
meskipun q sudah menebak2 ending dr drama ini tapi cukup mengejutkan jg ternyata. bayangin aja di ending cerita Kyoko meninggal dunia, yg lebih bikin menusuk lagi Shuji meminta ijin untuk mendandani jenasah Kyoko. ya ampun...q yg nonton aja ga kuat ngeliatnya. waktu mulai memake up jenasah Kyoko, Shuji tampak begitu kuat. dia melakukannya dengan tenang, halus dan penuh kasih sayang, justru Takumi(assistan Shuji)lah yg menangis hingga ia tidak kuat dan meninggalkan Shuji sendiri melanjutkan memake up nya. dan saat Shuji seorang yg ada di ruangan itu, keluarlah air mata Shuji... dia menangis sejadi2nya.
hah...sungguh menyedihkan. tapi itu semua hanya cerita. ya kan?? bukan realita.
it's just a story.
Senin, 02 Agustus 2010
SDN Bandungan 1
Somewhere Over the Rainbow-Faith Hill
Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Yes they do, really do come true
Someday I'll wish up on a star
And wake up where
The clouds are far behind me
Were troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
Thats where you will find me
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I
If happy little bluebirds fly
Above the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I
Way up high
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Yes they do, really do come true
Someday I'll wish up on a star
And wake up where
The clouds are far behind me
Were troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
Thats where you will find me
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I
If happy little bluebirds fly
Above the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I
Youre Smile - Fariz RM
don’t know why
God gives me a chance to know you
and all i know suddenly you came into my life
but first i guess that we only care for each other
and i realize the growing seeds of love
you showed me through your smile
that always keeps me growing strong
your smile that makes me love you for so long
your smile makes me believe on happiness is not too far beyond to reach
your smile’s the only thing that i’ll remember ’til the end of time
when i’m with you like sadness no longer exist
though i know having you the lonely lasts in my mind
to be honestly the story goes forever
‘cos as long as you will be as you are
as how a woman should be
through your smile will always lead my way
your smile inspired melodies in every notes i play
your smile and memories above you makes me realize
my place’s in your heart
‘cos for me your smile means everything from you
to keep me alive
oohhh, your smile
all that leads my way
in every notes i play
your smile that makes me love you for so long
your smile that always keeps me going strong
your smile makes me believe on happiness is not too far too reach
‘cos for me your smile means everything from you
your smile’s the only thing that i’ll remember
‘cos for me your smile means everything from you
to keep me alive
your smile
God gives me a chance to know you
and all i know suddenly you came into my life
but first i guess that we only care for each other
and i realize the growing seeds of love
you showed me through your smile
that always keeps me growing strong
your smile that makes me love you for so long
your smile makes me believe on happiness is not too far beyond to reach
your smile’s the only thing that i’ll remember ’til the end of time
when i’m with you like sadness no longer exist
though i know having you the lonely lasts in my mind
to be honestly the story goes forever
‘cos as long as you will be as you are
as how a woman should be
through your smile will always lead my way
your smile inspired melodies in every notes i play
your smile and memories above you makes me realize
my place’s in your heart
‘cos for me your smile means everything from you
to keep me alive
oohhh, your smile
all that leads my way
in every notes i play
your smile that makes me love you for so long
your smile that always keeps me going strong
your smile makes me believe on happiness is not too far too reach
‘cos for me your smile means everything from you
your smile’s the only thing that i’ll remember
‘cos for me your smile means everything from you
to keep me alive
your smile
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